Main Permissions
lifesteal.reload / Allows you to use the command to reload the plugin configuration.
lifesteal.give.extraheart / Allows you to use a command to add an item of extra heart to inventory.
lifesteal.give.revivebook / Allows you to use a command to add an revive book to inventory.
lifesteal.heart.check / Allows you to use a command to check how many hearts other player have.
lifesteal.heart.manage / Allows you to use a command to add, remove or set amount of player's heart.
lifesteal.bans / Allows you to use a command check who was banned for having no hearts left.
lifesteal.bans.remove / Allows you to use a command to remove ban for having no hearts left.
lifesteal.update / Allows you to receive in-game notifications of updates.
lifesteal.debug / Allows you to use a command that gives you information about your plugin setup.
lifesteal.give / Allows you to use a commands related to giving lifesteal items.
lifesteal.heart / Allows you to use a commands related to setting hearts.
Last updated