Extra Heart

Extra heart item configuration.


  enabled: true/false
  name: "Your Extra Heart Item Name"
  material: "PAPER"
    - "Line 1"
    - "Line 2"
  loseChance: number between 0-100
  addLimit: number
  withdraw-enabled: true/false


Determines if the extra heart item is usable.


You can put any name here that Minecraft allows. Of course colors are supported.


This is where you define what extra heart item should be. You have to take name of the "material" from spigot documentation. Please note that the names are case sensitive.


Here you can add a description to the item extra heart the way Minecraft allows. Colors are supported.


When using an extra heart, you may face a case where you fail to use it. This setting defines the chance of losing a heart when you fail to use the extra heart item.


Sets the limit of hearts that can be obtained using the extra heart item.


Determines if the withdrawal system is enabled.


There are 3 modes.

always - Heart will always drop out of a killed player, it will not be added immediately to killer's maximum life.

limit_exceeded - Heart will be immediately added to killer's maximum health, except if killer exceeds heart limit, then, heart drops out of killed player.

never - Heart will immediately be added to killer's maximum life, but if killer exceeds limit, heart from killed player is gone.

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